Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trip # 2 of 4

Hi Guys...looks like I am leaving tomorrow for Kaz! This is trip 2 or 1 however you want to look at it! This will be the bonding trip for Stella and Me. I can't wait to see that tootie pootie as my Mom would say!

Oh and interesting thing happened on my last work trip. There was a retired Flight attendant on our flight. She came back to show us her current photos. She was going to a conference for miracles and Angels in Hawaii. She showed me photos of her church and in her photos there were hundreds of Orbs of all sizes. She said that they were Angels and that the children in the church could see them (Angels) but the adults could only see them in the photos. I then pulled out a photo of Stella and Me and in that photo, on my sleeve is a small orb. She said the chances of someone on that flight having a picture of an orb was beyond normal odds.

I want to believe that it was an Angel there with us and I hope that she is up to 3 more trips to Kazakhstan with me.

Stella sweet baby...I'll see you soon......


  1. You will get to Kaz on Hannie's birthday!! Have a GREAT trip and send us lots of updates!! We love ya and are cheering for you and baby Stella!!!

  2. Love it!! I believe it was an Angel 100%, and she will definitely be on the next 3 trips with you, and I believe that she will then take up permanent residence in Texas!

  3. Tomorrow!! Wow. Safe travels. The orb and angels gave me goosebumps!

  4. I hope you and your guardian angel have a good trip and reunion with your Stella.

  5. I have chills - angel indeed. Have a great trip and I cannot wait to hear about your reunion.

  6. May your little love greet you with some angel ways! Looking forward to reading your updates!

  7. Oh Lisa, I've been checking your blog regularly to hear good news. My heart is with you. Take care, my friend, Susan

  8. Safe travels to you sweet baby girl. I just know she and your angel will be all smiles when you hold her in your arms again!

  9. So excited for you as you take this next step. Safe travels.

  10. Thrilled for you. Can't wait to hear about your reunion with sweet Stella. :)

  11. Glad you are on your way again! Very exciting! Stella will be in your arms very soon. Hopefully you will get more time with her this time. Keep us posted.

  12. Oh Lisa--I am so thrilled for you and Stella. And I am so glad you have your guardian angel with you.

  13. My thoughts go with you as I'm sure many angel prayers are carrying you to your Stella. Soon this will all be said and done and you will be back home with a little girl. How wonderful does that sound.
