Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bonding day 2

I swear that I am not going to post every day but today there were some firsts...maybe not for Stella but for me. In just a month Stella has progressed with great speed! She claps, she rolls over, she pushes up, she sits up on her own, she hums and she crawls!! None of these things she was doing when I left her on June 15th. I am amazed. This is the little girl they said couldn't even push up a month ago.

I am sorry that I missed these things but I am truly happy for Stella. She is delayed but she is catching up fast.

Stella was a little fussy today, she is teething and just can't seem to get comfortable. She did not like to be put down and was best when I held her or she sat between my legs. At one point we were playing patty cake on my legs and she pushed my hand away so she could do it herself...Uh oh...the writing is on the wall. I am going to have one independent little missy! As they backs are hell...if that is true...I am in for it!!

Paka for today.


  1. We hope you will post at least once per day. We are glad things are going so well!!!!

  2. Yes--please keep posting every day--I pretty much did that too when I was in Russia. Everyone loves to hear your updates and I really liked getting the comments from everyone on a daily basis--I felt closer to home that way.
    It sounds like she is developing a dependency on you already whichi is awesome. I love that little independent streak--you will see it often as she learns new things and wants to do them on her own.
    Keep enjoying.

  3. Oh please post every day! I love hearing all the details even if they may seem mundane to you.

    I'm so glad all is going well, though sorry for the pain of teething. Ouch!

  4. me too - i love reading these posts - yay!

  5. What do you mean you're not going to post every day??? Enquiring minds want to know!!

  6. Another post suggesting daily blogging, please! Awesome that she's showing so much motor development in the past month---how fun, for both of you!!

  7. You are officially out voted Lisa. You WILL post everyday!! Of course we want to hear about every little detail and in turn we will all do our best to leave lots of comments. Right ladies?!

    Yeah Stella. Keep on pushing, crawling, standing and drooling. Your mommy is there to cheer you on!

    Lou Ann & Lexie too

  8. Pretty please post every day!!! I am so glad it is going so well and she is catching up quickly. You will blown away when you get her full time.

  9. Lisa - I'm just trying to catch up with your week. How exciting! Can't wait for pictures and more conversation soon. Email and let me know which day and flight you will be coming home on.

  10. It is amazing to see how she has thrived in the past month. You will be astonished by how quickly it goes once you have her forever. I think of Nurai who just blossomed once Steve and KJ took custody. So exciting to see the progress after only a few days in the baby house!

    You should post everyday if you want to! Multiple times a day! This will be your journal and a very important record to keep for Stella. I am so happy for you, proud of you, excited for you. Your life is forever changed because of one sweet little peanut!
