Back yard of the BH #1
View from the stairs to outside

Stella's room in BH #3
I had a nice short Saturday visit with Miss Stella Bella....I was to meet down at 10:30 and got a call at 9:45 to come at 10 instead...Kazakh time! Poor Galina had to quickly make her way over from further away. On the weekends there are different caregivers but I did recognize a few from June...they are very sweet. The process for us is that we go see the visiting nurse if she is there or just go straight to Stella's room. We knock and they crack open the door, then in a few more minutes they bring her to me. She looks at me with this curious look for a few seconds then breaks out in a's play time!! Poor thing...she thinks I am aunt Lisa...not Mama who eventually won't go away...ever!
Only one new milestone today...I got a yawn. That's a first for me. I am trying to remember all of "our" firsts together...there are so many since the last visit in June. We also sang a few songs.....why don't I remember the endings of these songs? I need to look them up. Mama didn't do her homework...I should have gotten kids songs to bring....I talked about it, but instead we listen to some of the same songs we have on the blog..she likes the song "More Time" it's a little catchy and has a good beat. She claps her hands and now tries to clap my hands like we have done for patty cake. I put her in the same position that I did yesterday, facing me and she immediately started clicking her tongue....
Heading appears to be overcast out and maybe not so hot?? The Panfilov park is just across the street. Wish me luck!
Paka for now...Lisa
Don't worry - the nice aunt very quickly turns into Mama. Will they let you feed her? Perhaps you can ask? Then at least you are meeting some of her basic needs. Or ask if you can bring juice or even water in a bottle to give her so it starts to position you as a caregiver and not just a play companion. It sounds like your apt is in a GREAT area. I love Panfilov park. Also, if you haven't discovered Mama Mia restaurant nearby, it is terrific. And across the street, a few doors down, is a major grocery store with food stalls outside. The rotisserie chicken, gyro-style shashlik sandwiches, plov are all very very good and cheap. And you can get great deli salads in the grocery.
ReplyDeleteAhah....should have been paying attention when I was singing to Connor. I remember you saying "Will I have to learn these?" It's funny how you start singing them once they are here but you wouldn't do it before!! Sounds like you had a great day!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe it has been nearly a week of bonding! The grocery store that Kelly mentioned is absolutely awesome. I'm still learning all the little kid songs, no worries, it will come :)
ReplyDeleteLOVING every word of your precious journey.. :) HUGS!!
ReplyDeleteIt is so fun to hear you are having a ball! Hannah has been home for 5 months now and she has lately been running up to me, poking me, and saying "this is MY Mama" or "this is Hannah's Mama" like she finally knows what that means--it takes time but Stella will learn what Mama means and that you will never leave.
ReplyDeleteLike Julie--I am still relearning all those old kid songs. I can sing along with the CD's pretty well now but I still can't sing a lot of them on my own yet.
So glad you are having such a great time and HELLELUJAH a/c. That will honestly make your Groundhog Days much less brutal. So glad you are loving lovin on your Stella.
Andrea & Anelya
Hi Lisa, we've been out of town and it was wonderful catching up. The wall after 6 days? Bless your heart. Hang in there. I'm glad you got settled into your new digs. We're going tonight to Hula Hut-I'll drink a margarita in your honor! All my best, Susan