Thursday, May 20, 2010

Soup Nazi

I woke up this morning excited and hopeful! I heard yesterday from my agency that my number LOI number is actually there in the Kaz embassy system! YAY!! Finally! So I send my courier a message to be sure and go back again today...I call him and he said call back...we are in line to get the visa processed. As the courier is in line (45 min.) the Ambassador walks through and says "There are too many people in line to get visas today...everyone get out"!!! What?? No way!! What??? Are you kidding me??!! Am I on a Seinfield episode?? Where are the cameras??

That poor little guy in Kaz...wonder if they told him about me? Wonder if he knows just how much I want to be there with him?

So tomorrow is a new day.......


  1. thanks for the blog reminder!!! I will save it now. safe travels and joy joy joy await you!!! It will be a beautiful and very special time. Just remember love grows and it will ten thousand fold!!!

  2. Funny post even if it was about a not so funny event. Soup Nazi!! Funny Girl. It will happen tomorrow!!
    Lou Ann
