Wednesday, October 13, 2010

on my way....

I have butterflies in my belly....I am waiting for my sister to pick me up, then I am on my way to Kazakhstan to pick up my sweet, precious baby girl!! Is this really real? I keep having to pinch myself! Wish me luck!

Stella and I should be home forever on October 23rd! Paka for now.....


  1. yay - I will drink a toast to you tonight!

  2. So happy your time is here--You have custody of your daughter. I agree with Kim--definitely reason for a toast!

  3. I know it's been a long road but you are finally coming to the end of the road to adopt a baby. Soon, so very soon, you will begin down the road to raising your baby girl. It just doesn't get any better than that!

    I hope someone is going to take your picture when you finally see Ms Stella again and then when you walk out of the baby house with her in your arms. Have fun mommy!!

    Happy New Beginnings!
    Lou Ann & Lexie too

  4. I just got chills for you and Stella.

  5. This is FINALLY your time! I am so excited for you !I cannot see the pick of you busting Stella out of the baby house once and for all. you deserve this and are to be admired for your perseverence. I am actually pretty choked up right now. Miss you. xo

  6. Our prayers are answered!!!! I can't wait to see pictures. Enjoy every minute!!!!! My thoughts are with you now and always.

  7. I look so forward to seeing pictures as well! So happy for you!
    TN, USA

  8. EXCITING!!!!! Have a safe trip back and enjoy every second of it!

  9. Your blog needs some serious updating--or are you posting on the original blog?
