It just dawned on me.......I have been Stella's Mommy officially since August 17th, 2010. For me it felt more real when I got her home. That was in October, so it has been over 5 months. It hit me like a brick that I have been her Mommy for longer then her birth mother was with her. I don't know all of the circumstances of her life before me but I do know that she was with her BM for 3 months.....a hospital for 2 months then the Baby House for 11 months before I whisked her away to Texas. Oh how I love my daughter! It's taken me awhile to be able to say that word...daughter. I don't know why....It just didn't seem real somehow.
Enough about the adoption now on to my Stella Bella! She is growing in leaps and bounds! Her little size 2 infant shoes no longer fit and her clothes seem to be getting smaller and smaller. Stella came home weighing 15 pounds at 16 months and now at 21 months is weighing about 19.5 pounds. She is eating big people food but still gets a bottle for the vitamins and nutrients that she missed. She is saying lots of words like Chichen (chicken), bath, car, cracker, bye bye and her favorite is ball! She is not so much into toys but she can spot a ball a mile away!
Now that she is home we have had all the doctors appointments to determine that she is 100 percent healthy! Her eyes that we worried were "lazy" are totally normal. Nothing wrong with this little girl!! Such a huge relief! Oh, one thing that I should mention is that she did test positive for TB...apparently normal for some of these Kaz kids. At birth they are given an inoculation with the dead TB virus in it so she will ALWAYS show positive and they will have to do a chest x-ray to determine that she doesn't have TB when a TB test is required.
My little Stella is one of the most stubborn little critters that I have ever met. Stella is also funny and demands attention from everyone! Stella wasn't a favorite at her Baby House and was very I have take her to day care...once a week...the older kids come running up yelling "Stella"! Her caregiver there said "Yes...they all know Miss Stella"! Ha ha! My little toot. Okay on to the pictures. We took her to Padre Island last weekend and we have another Kaz water baby. No fear! And about a month ago she rode a pony, funniest thing....she had one hand on the sadle horn and the other resting on her knee like a real pro! Must be in the blood! Enjoy my favorite pictures of my favorite daughter!

Such a cutie!!! Love the pics!
What an adorable baby girl indeed you have! I LOVE her beautiful dark hair and eyes... that is wonderful she is up to 19.5 lbs, go Stella go!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great update and I am trilled she is doing so well :)
Much love to both of you! xx
Awww she gets cuter and cuter and cuter!! Looks like she is almost ready to take those first steps. Get ready to do some chasin' Mama! Can you believe our girls are already almost TWO?!!! Time flies...XOXO, Erin
ReplyDeletePS ~ I think Stella needs a sister. Want to come to China with me?!
She does seem to be growing like a weed. Our Irina only just crossed the 20 lb mark a couple of months' ago. The photos are precious - she is so beautiful. And sounds like she is full of personality.
ReplyDeleteLisa: She just gets more and more beautiful. So glad that you were so determined to bring THIS precious girlie home! And yes...that stubbornness does seen to be in the genes of those BH 1 babes!!! : )
ReplyDeleteI don't know what happened--I tried to comment twice now and it hasn't shown up--hopefully three time is a charm.
ReplyDeleteAh yes--it does take a little while to realize that "I am a Mommy and I have a daughter" but at the same time you can't imagine life any different and can barely life before her.
She is so beautiful and is thriving so much--what a great Mommy you are.
Love you guys!