Here it is over a year since Stella came home...wow, I am just amazed. Stella continues to grow and overcome so many of her delays. She is walking...or should I say running...like a fiend! It's a struggle to keep her in my shopping cart at the market because the girl just wants to run! Go Stella! Just slow down enough so that Mommy can catch you! Working with ECI has really helped. Through their eyes and expertise I have seen her go from this wobbly walk (22 months) to a sure footed gate. Sometimes I have to look back and compare to when she came home. She was such a baby at 16 months. No muscle tone, pale, eating only pureed food, only knew a bottle. NOW? I have a self confident, strong willed, loving, sweet little lady. Stella didn't really know how to show affection at first. Her hugs were putting her thumb in her mouth and folding her arms in. Now I get sweet hugs, still the finger in the mouth, but head on my shoulder sweet hugs and kisses. Sometimes you feel this sweet little pat on your back too. Not saying that she can't be a toot! When tired or excited she has been know to slap...but thank goodness those moments are few and far between.
Stella is 28 months now. I was worried a bit about her talking but now her words are starting to come. Mostly the basics...Car, ball, no, go, dog, cat.......Sometimes I swear she says a sentence but I am not sure.
Halloween was a blast this year. We went to a flight attendant costume party and Stella practically ran up to the front door! Stella finally got to meet so many people that went through the years of the process with me. Seems like ages ago. I miss my CAL family...I am just working one trip a month so it gets lonely at times. I do miss my AMS and FRA layovers. One a month is just not enough! Trick or treating was fun too....my little bumble bee "got" the concept this year and wanted to eat her candy in front of the people who gave it to her. Now isn't that polite?? Ha ha! In sign she would say thank you. Now she points to her bucket and says "D"? She is addicted I do believe!
ECI is coming over next week to reevaluate Missy. I am thinking we may be done with them? I am kind of sad...it's been nice to have feedback from them on what and how she is doing. They also persuaded me to put Stella in two days of "play school" and I think that it will help her a lot. She just recently got moved up from the 18 mo old class to the 2 and 3 year old class. She loves them and there are several mother hens in the class that Stella loves.
This is the best but hardest thing I have ever done. I can't even say how our lives have changed. I sometimes wonder if Stella remembers her life as Sabrina. On vacation there was a Russian family who mostly spoke Russian....Stella paid no attention and didn't seem to recognize the language. She has seen pictures of the BH director and she calls out Baba...russian for Grandmother. I am not sure if she called her that or not. So there must be some memory. For months after Stella came home...I would lay her down and pat her back and walk away. Now it's a little more complicated.....books, mood lighting, crying, rocking and holding! I cherish those moments that we rock and she lays her head on my shoulder. The girl has stolen my heart. Love you baby girl! Shine on Stella!
What a wonderful catch up post Lisa. And the pictures of your beautiful girl.....they just melt my heart. And anyone who doesn't believe that girl can run, not walk, just have them give me a call:-) Lexie and I had so much fun spending that very HOT Texas afternoon with you this summer. Seeing how much Stella had grown both physically and developmentally was so terrific. I know her words are coming slowing but surly for her but when they do - watch out. I am positive she will have a lot to say!! And if she doesn't, we'll have another playdate and Lexie can teach Stella the fine art of being a chatter box. Lexie is none stop!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy this special time in her growth and your relationship. The outside world intrudes in ways you can never imagined. It's so great when it's just you she looks to for guidance, comfort and love.
We should be heading south for Thanksgiving and I hope we can arrange another visit. I can't believe that will be in just a few weeks. Crazy!
We love and miss you two.
Lou Ann & Lexie too
Hi Lisa,
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post, thank you so much for all the great Stella updates! I am so happy for you, that Stella is doing so well. Early help is the best, Henry had it too and I am forever grateful to his wonderful speech teacher, Connie! As you know Henry was a very LATE talker but now at 4 1/2 yrs. old you can not shut him up :) If only I had known then what I know now, I would not had so many sleepless nights worrying. I know it is hard not to worry but try not too, it sounds like Stella is moving in the right direction and that is what is most important... Stella is beautiful and you should be so proud of her!
I'm so happy to see a post and photos of beautiful Stella! She is the cutest pirate and bee ever! It sounds like she is catching up on her own schedule and doing great. While it may be painful to have early intervention involved - this never hurts! It is amazing how far she's come with your love.